Life Advice For Anyone, At Any Age

Lately, I’ve been collecting all kinds of advice for Olympia so I can share it with her whenever the time’s right. You know how we moms are - we just want our kids to have the best life they possibly can, and hope that they listen to our advice no matter how old they are.
Here are a few things I’ve learned so far in my own life that I think can apply to anyone, at any age:
- Life isn’t a straight line from point A to point B. No matter how well you plan, some things come up that are just unpredictable. In those situations, I’ve found that the best (and sometimes, only) thing you can do is to go with the flow. At the same time, try to keep perspective and focus on the big picture of your goals. Sometimes that might mean taking a break in the moment so you can accomplish something even better and stronger than planned.
- It’s important to be humble and to have gratitude. We should always stand up for ourselves, fight for what we want, and acknowledge our accomplishments - all with humility and grace.
- These next two go hand-in-hand: believe in yourself and don’t give up. You know that saying, “If I had a penny for every person who doubted me…” Thankfully, I was raised to be strong and dedicated, and to not give up on what I want to accomplish. It wasn’t always easy, but I’ve always believed in myself - in my work ethic and my ability to fight for what I want. No matter what it is you want to achieve, believe in yourself, be dedicated, work hard for it, and don’t give up!
It’s so important to surround ourselves with people who really see who we are, who support and lift us up. You are more than enough and never let anyone tell you otherwise.
Oh, and one more piece of advice… Always wear sunscreen!